
Monday, March 12, 2012

Stupid time change

It ruined my weekend. It looks like it's ruining my work week, too.
Haha. I have no shame. I'm really a looker in the morning. By the way, I am wearing clothes, my straps are just under my hair. Promise. 

I don't understand daylight savings time at all. If the farmers really need more daylight to harvest their crops, they should just set their alarms earlier.

Sunday morning I was deathly tired. The night before we had late dinner and drinks with some of my friends who were in town for a conference. We had to wait for them to finish up some evening educational classes first, so we were just getting to The Swizzlestick at 11:00. By the time we had sipped our drinks and said our goodbyes, it was 1 am. Except it was now 2 am. And we had agreed to bring donuts to church, which meant that we had to leave extra early to buy the donuts AND we couldn't be fashionably late like we usually are, because hungry people would be waiting on their donuts.

The only good part about yesterday morning is that while buying donuts I saw these bags of sale bananas - all the loose bananas go in a tote for $1.49. This not only means I'll be making and freezing plenty of banana bread this week; it also means we got to bring a healthier snack option to church. I hate just bringing donut, especially given the high prevalence of diabetes and heart disease in New Orleans.

Now it's off to work in a haze of sleepiness. Unfortunately I have a busy week, too.
What's your view on daylight savings? If I send an obnoxious petition to Congress, will you sign it?


  1. I like it still being light out at 7:30PM, but my workout this morning was a hazy, zombie-like mess. Hoping I adjust quickly.

  2. I must be an odd-ball. I like the change and despite waking up even earlier this morning, it was easier this morning than it has been lately...hopefully you adjust soon!

  3. Not fond of it. I had the pleasure of working the time change and wow, what a zombie like feeling. But I did note that our usual clientele...woke up at the regular time, giving us all an hour to get organized. and take care of the patient who were there and sick.

    Hate running in the dark also so that starts now.

  4. I totally didn't even realize it was time change time til I slept in until 11:30. Whoops. You are so wise though - those farmers need to just get up earlier! I just hated losing an hour of productive time Sunday afternoon - especially now that I'm able to actually do stuff. After sitting on the couch in discomfort for months, I'm *excited* to do chores and clean the house! Woo hoo!

  5. Uggg, so rough. I don't mind the extra hours at the end of the day but sheesh, it can be rough when you're working and trying to get kids up for school. I'm staying home so my hardest part is getting the kids up. It will be easier by mid week. :)

  6. Ya know, as a kid I was never fazed by Daylight Savings. Now, as an adult, it takes me all flippin' week to adjust. Bleh.

  7. Time changes are not cool. Especially as a parent. They were always annoying (well, fall back was sort of nice) but when I started having kids I realized they do not adjust nearly as quickly. Maybe it will be easier when they can tell time on their own. Personally, I think all states should discontinue the time change. It is outdated and unnecessary! I will step down from my soap box now. : )

  8. LMAO @ that photo.

    AZ doesn't observe daylight savings time! WOOHOO!!!!

    1. Although my damn iPhone did this weekend... post coming up about that later.

  9. It is the dumbest thing we do twice a year. Ben Franklin had this idea to save candles, dumbest thing he ever thought. An old Indian said "leave it to our Government to try to convince you that if you cut a foot off the top of your blanket and sewed it back on the bottom your blanket would be a foot longer!" I have never liked it and now I am diabetic and it is messing up my schedule. You blame the farmers and I blame the golfers!

  10. I live for DST. I neeeeeeed those extra hours of sunshine in the evening! I can feel my mood improving already!

  11. yes sign me up for the petition
    I hate it
    lets all move to Arizona!!!

  12. Yup. As a kid I hated it. Fall Back is WAYYY better! And PS you totally look like you are naked! Hahah.

    1. First thing is I’ve got it (gulp), the second is Ruth’s attitude and the route I took. I was lucky, we caught it early, but still I didn’t let it get me down.
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  13. YUM - banana bread!! Daylight savings was a total killer for me last week. I just felt like crap when we got back from vacation and couldn't shake it.
