
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Make your own long run fuel

Fact: I am far too cheap to waste $3 worth of Gu on a long run.
Problem: I get hungry. Also I hit the wall all the time, like a dummy.
Solution: Make-your-own-fuel out of crazy cheap ingredients.

You can use either oatmeal or leftover white rice. I think rice is generally a better choice, because it is lower in fiber, but quick oats (rather than old fashioned) work, too.
If you are using oatmeal, cook some up and let it cool. I usually just add some water and microwave it. Try to make it kind of thick.

As it cools, stir in a little maple syrup or honey and some white sugar - more than usual; you want this super sweet to add calories. Yes, I said add calories, I'm going to diet hell.
I put real maple syrup in because I love syrup and I hate oatmeal and I'm trying to cover the taste.
Then scoop it into tiny snack baggies. I put too much in mine because I didn't want to waste baggies (CHEAP), but it would be better to put about half as much so you can eat it all in one sitting. Once you open the bag it gets pretty messy and it's hard to re-close.

To eat, just open a corner and squeeze - like a gel. Only messier.

If you'd rather use rice, it works better if you mash it up a little, and go easy on liquid sweeteners since rice isn't as absorbant. I use rice when I have some leftovers sitting in the fridge.

In the summer, I forego sugar altogether - I replace the calories by bringing Gatorade - and I use salt in the oats or rice instead. I sweat so much in the New Orleans humidity that the only way I can keep my blood pressure at an adequate level is by upping salt. I like the taste better, too - sweet can be tough to take during a hot run.
What's your go-to fuel for long runs? Races?
I actually brought oatmeal for two marathons, one of which was a fairly fast 3:36 (the other sucked, don't ask), but recently I've switched to just gels.


  1. I LOVE oatmeal but have never thought of this before. I've done it with with sushi rice and honey - that really is so tasty and clumps together really well.
    I was trying to think of some runners who could use a fast pacer for the Publix Full- I'll keep thinking about it!

    1. I'd say four hours or below and I'm game. Of course I just noticed that Publix has its own pacers already!

  2. Motts fruit snacks purchased by the boatload at Costco. Love them!

  3. Good idea! I am a Gu runner. Please don't hurt me.

  4. This is a fabulous idea and I'm going to try it Saturday in my trail race! Thanks!

    1. NOOO! Do not let my crazy cheap self destroy your race!!!

  5. That's a great idea! I haven't broken into the runs yet where I need much fuel, but I've tried the shot blocks or whatever & they seem okay. I'm worried that the oatmeal or rice would be hard to swallow while you're running?

    1. Oh, yeah. Totally hard to swallow and completely messy. Just being honest ;-)

  6. I like gus. I usually buy them by the box because then i can get them for much cheaper. I only like vanilla and chocolate, the other flavors bother my stomach!!

  7. I'm cheap, too, but you've got me beat! lol In some things, convenience trumps cost for me. I'll stick to my Shot Bloks!!! haha

  8. Hey girl. Interesting! I've been using those beans but they aren't cheap. I'm such a money waster these days. I like how someone as speedy as you still considers 3:36 pretty fast. :) How are you feeling?? I've been thinking of you lately and hope you are feeling well.

  9. I don't like Gu. They make me feel like puking. I did find out that if I only have about an eighth of the pack (ONLY the chocolate; the rest are gross) it is okay, but it is not practical to carry the other 7/8 around until I am ready for another "sip". I like the honey stinger chews. One pack, which is about 1.60 (, lasts me the entire race.

  10. Gross! Gu it is for me but to each his own!

  11. I got some Clif gels when I was volunteering at Disney (about 40- don't ask, I mean who gives runners gels when they have FINISHED a race, blech) So I've obviously been using them. I also like the Gu, but I acutally love the idea of rice and I think I may be using that loaded with salt for the Florida summer. I just hate the idea of all those plastic baggies....

  12. I usually eat larabars, shot bloks or clif shots, but it's rare that I have more than 1 supplement for a long run so I'm not using more than $2 in supplements for long runs per week.

    At the Hagg Lake race I snagged a ton of free samples from larabar and gu that will come in handy later. :)

    Sometimes, I make these almond butter, choc chip, oats balls that the fitnessista has on her blog.

    They are great for pre/post workout, snacks at work, a healthy dessert, and would probably be good for running fuel too.
