
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Free for All Series

Last night the hubby and I ran one of the free 2-mile races the NOTC puts on in the summer. The idea is fun - free, family-friendly, beer and CheeWees afterward. But this race was marred by a runner who aggressively and purposefully shoved a child down with a palm to the head just because the kid was in his way. Ok, seriously dude, it's a 2-mile unofficial fun run. Get over it. I said something like, "Hey watch it!" but the runner responded with, "If you slow down in front of me you're going down!". PUH-LEASE. There are always going to be slow people in front of you. Run around them. No big deal. Don't push kids to the ground. The kid got up and was fine, but that doesn't make this ok. The worst thing is that I didn't get a good look at the runner. I was behind him - almost got hit by falling child - then once I made sure the kid was ok,  I passed the offending runner and didn't get a chance to see his number. The crowd was too big to keep an eye on him. I still told race directors and luckily other people reported the incident as well, so they got a good description and they think they know who it is.
Weird stuff. I can't believe anyone would care enough about their time to shove a kid, especially not in a 2 mile fun run!
I did ok considering - 13:49 - definitely have had better times, but it was hot and there was drama. Drama follows me, what can I say?


  1. Awesome time!!!

    YEah, what a douchebag to push a kid to the ground for ANY race, much less a fun, free, family race!

  2. Good time hurtling D-bags and catching kids!

  3. Man, I hope he gets a talking to!

    I used to run in the free for's hot sauce down there! It is a lot of fun and it's always nice to have a beer after the run. You gotta love NOLA for that!

  4. I can't believe someone pushed down a kid in a race. If this would have been my child and someone pushed her to get a better time, I would have been FURIOUS! That is terrible. And I thought runners were supposed to be friendly and supportive. Ugh, so wrong!

  5. Wow, that is horrible by that guy to push a kid down. If I'd ran next to the guy who did it, I'd have given him a lecture right as we were running, what an idiot.

  6. I'm glad he got reported, I hope they find out who he is and ban him for the time being. Not acceptable!
