
Monday, July 18, 2011

Jog bra!

It's summer here in New Orleans, which means I have to swallow my pride and jog bra run. I have a choice: die from heat stroke, or run in my jog bra with pale tummy exposed to the masses. (Or the third choice, go inside and get on a treadmill. Boo).
So jog bra it is. I just deal with it. So does everyone else, I suppose, as my sweaty self complete with stinky cotton bra runs by.
So what's your take? T-shirt required, or is a jog bra ok? Or are they only ok for Kara?
I guess if I looked like that it would be ok to run in panties, too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think there's nothing wrong with it, white stomach or not. You are lean and fit so show it off!

  3. I think it should be mandatory for Kara to only run in a sports bra.
    Tshirt not required. Although I always wear one because I use it to mop off my nasty sweaty face.

  4. You can rock just-a-bra because you are thin. Me, I have too much jiggle.

    I've thought about the running-in-underwear part... I can't pull it off either, but wonder how you can be comfortable prancing thru a city in just underwear. Guess I'm too modest now in my old age.

  5. I don't feel comfortable in the jog bra, but if YOU DO, do it!

    **note, in the gym I was thinking about joining, it says, "NO MIDRIFFS" in the policy!!! Haha. So I guess running outside is the answer if you want to rock the bra!

  6. I don't object to anyone else wearing a jog bra but I personally just can't do it. I did find a white sleeveless nearly shear saucony running top last summer that is my go-to hot weather top- so I guess it's not that far of a departure from wearing nothing at all.

  7. I am too self conscious about the fat that is pushed up from my hips when I'm wearing tight shorts. I think they're called "love handles." But if I looked like you, I'd be rocking the sh!t out of a jog bra!

  8. I am not confident enough to run in one, but if you are, and feel it's really just the best way to go, I say go for it! I also am really concerned about sun exposure and getting burned, so that's another reason I stay covered up. That's just me though!

  9. Honestly, I'm all for it. I actually dream of the day that I have a flat enough stomach (or rather no love handles) and feel comfortable enough to expose the world to my stomach. Some runs I just want to rip my tank off, but I'd rather not show the world my stomach as is. Someday...

  10. Jog bra all the've earned it...good chance to get some sun to your tummy. With me, it has to be my handful bra or people think I'm a teenage boy wearing a bra on my run. :) joking. So for me, you might say t-shirt PLEASE!!!

  11. If you can do it, I say go for it...After 4 kids I might scare people, but i think that you can pull it off okay.

  12. I only run in a jog bra on trails. I don't feel comfortable on the streets, only because I get a lot more male "attention" which of course makes me feel feel really uncomfortable.

  13. Do what you're comfy with :)

  14. I have never taken my shirt off and ran in just a sports bra but I've been tempted at times! I tend to just run in tank tops with built in bra's (yay for small boobs!) in the summertime. They are a lot lighter and cooler than t-shirts!

  15. hmm... i tried once before to post a comment.
    but i wanted to say to just wear what you feel comfortable with. i usually run with a jog bra but i'll wear a T when it starts to get cool. you need to be happy while you run. :)

  16. I think it's ok! I don't have the self esteem to do it, although there have been races where I've wanted to!

  17. If you have the body to pull it off and feel comfortable, then do it. And I know you have the body to pull it off. I haven't ran sans t-shirt since my '06 marathon. Back then I was like 15 pounds lighter (hmm.... how did that happen and will that ever happen again?), so running without a t-shirt was fine as I had no jiggle going on around my waist. These days? Not happening!!

  18. Yes, jog bra all the way. Hell, I'd suggested totally naked if I thought you'd do it.

  19. I don't think it's about having the body to pull it off or even really about confidence. I run in a bra when it's hot because it makes me run better. I don't want to overheat. I don't want to slow down. I know I am pale, and if I thought too much about the way I looked I might let that stop me, but what good would that do? I ran in a bra while pregnant until about 20 weeks simply because it was too darn hot. Go for it!
