
Friday, February 4, 2011

Foody Firday: Aged Habenero Cheddar

I never would have dreamed I could buy cheese this good at my grocery store. It beats out Cork and the St James Cheese Company any day (those are two cheese stores near me).

I bought this habenero cheddar by Cabbot and I am addicted! It has an amazing aged, smoky cheddar taste and real, spicy habenero. This isn't some wimpy pepper jack kind of pepper. It has a kick to it.

It is divine:

- On salad
- In eggs
- On a slightly sweet cracker, like Ritz
- In a quesadilla
- Paired with a fruity red wine like Malbec or a sweet white like riesling.
- Served as part of a dessert cheese plate with berries and grapes and dark chocolate. And port or sherry of course.

Go buy some. You will swoon.


  1. I love Cabot cheeses! I use the 50 percent reduced fat kind all the time and it's wonderful.

  2. Oooh yum!! The manfriend does not like spicy things, but he likes pepperjack so I'm sure this would work. Our big grocery store doesn't have a lot of the cheese brands I like. I need to start swinging by the gourmet grocery now and then for some good cheeses.

    I think the perfect night includes a good cheese, a baguette and some red wine. Mmm...

  3. That looks awesome. With dark chocolate and port? MMMMMMMMM

    BTW, you comment on my Blog cracked me up. Thanks.

  4. @Sassy - it;s a lot hotter than pepper jack. And about 7 million times better.

  5. Yum, this looks awesome! I love spicy things. I love cheese. So I am sure I would love this cheese. :)

  6. I love cheese, but i don't like much spice at all so this one may be a little warm for me.

    Great race at The Wall - congrats! Are you running NO? I will be running the half. If you see me, let's chat. I know it's doubtful with the larger race, but maybe.

  7. I have had this recently! It was WAY spicier than pepper jack. So delicious. I ate it on Ritz crackers.

  8. I love cheese! It is always nice to discover a new one!

    PS good job at the Wall. You are lucky it was warm -- I ran it in 07 and it was FREEZING (luckily they gave us long sleeved tees that year!)
