
Sunday, October 10, 2010

In which I shoot myself in the foot

Another bottle-opener medal! With VELCRO, what?!
Here is how I set up for a very bad half marathon.

1. Get up late
2. Skip breakfast
3. Skip potty break (I'll go at the start line...)
4. Drive an hour to the race only to realize that the parking is a disaster; sit on the highway in standstill traffic until moments before the start
5. Rush to the start!
6. Feel pain in the back right heel. Strange pain. Never-had-before pain.
7. Start to run and instantly become aware of tightness in the front of the shins
8. Hit the first water station and accidentally throw your mid-race snack (oatmeal) in the trash. Ouch. No GU on course.
9. Keep accidentally getting water instead of gatorade because table set up was messy/confusing (hey, it was the inaugural race).
10. Think the whole time how you just ran a full marathon a week ago and you're sick of running.

Sounds horrible, right?
Here's the crazy part. I PR'd big-time, cutting five minutes off my last time, and finished 6th in my age group with a 1:46:11!
That's fast for me! You just never know when you're going to have a good race. This sure didn't feel like it!
I continued my race the entire day, rushing to make it home in time for church, then rushing from church to a local running group meeting. I'm joining the group in hopes of finding some more running partners.
Coming Monday: Finally the race review for the Freedom's Run Marathon: the good, the bad, and the hilly.

Last but not least, big shout-outs to the gals I follow who kicked booty at Portland today:
Sassy, Lisa, and Amber.
Sassy ran a fast 3:50 marathon - wow, I wish I could be there!, Lisa met her time goal, and Amber ran her very first marathon. Congratulations, ladies. You are impressive!


  1. You are impressive as well! You had so much working against you but you kept going and then did a full day of errands as well! Go Superwoman!

  2. Good Job!! That's an awesome time! Hope your heel pain clears up.
    I feel kind of sad that I wasn't ready in time for this one, but I am definitely doing the Jazz half marathon. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do it in costume though!
    This weekend,I learned the hard way about lifting "man weights" with my fiance then doing my long run two days later, if it makes you feel any better.
    (I am always in the most pain on day two post heavy duty exercise and my sore glutes felt every step during my 10 mile run. It was not awesome.)

  3. 5 minute PR? I'm taking note! You forgot that unexpected weight loss you mentioned (I didn't have that, however, I seemed to eat more in the past That bottle opener/medal is interesting...I had to make it bigger just to get a better look!

  4. Awesome time! Medal looks cool, but... velcro? Strange.

  5. Wow, well done on the PR - esp under those conditions, lady!! You are a ROCKSTAR!!

    Thanks for the shout out. I am thrilled with my time. And I am pretty sure that was my last marathon... then again, I said that in '06...

  6. Dang, those sound like some bummer conditions! Great that you PR'd even with a few fueling snafus! Good work, Gracie!
