
Sunday, March 7, 2010

The husband's birthday weekend

We celebrated David's birthday this weekend...even though it was more than a month ago. I'd planned a "Northshore weekend" to explore the more rustic areas around New Orleans. The schedule included:
- The Madisonville Maritime Museum in the morning
- Lunch at Coffee's Boilin' Pot (don't try to make sense of the name at all)
- An Abita Brewery Tour
- Dinner at La Provence
- Overnight at the Woodridge Bed and Breakfast
Here we are at the B&B:

I think I'll revive "Cheap date Wednesdays" and cover the museum and brewery then, but today I'll focus on the rest of the weekend.
First of all - Coffee's. It's THE restaurant on the Northshore for boiled or fried seafood, and it did not disappoint. When we walked in I could smell the boil and I just had to have some boiled crayfish! They had a few pounds left (it goes fast!) and we split 2 lbs of these guys: My first crayfish of the season.

Then we split the seafood platter, a big fat plate of cholesterol with a side of sweet potato fries. I was not looking forward to this because I don't like fried food, so I ordered a side salad. But you know what? The fried oysters were incredible! I actually ate a few and tasted the catfish, which was also not at all bad. The batter was very light and the seafood did not come out all greasy. Yum. Madisonville is a harbor town on the Tchefuncte River and we walked out to the water after lunch. It was a beautiful day and I, who am obsessed with graveyards, took a turn in the old graveyard. This area is not as old as some of the graveyards you'll visit in New England ("Died 1689") but some stones dated to the mid-1800's. We saw something so touching while we were there: a loved one had hung up a Saint's champions flag on a grave. Look closely and read the date and you will see that this gentleman died in Hurricane Katrina. Sometimes I forget how violently the storm changed so many lives, and I need a reminder like this one.

Our Brewery tour is a whole 'nutha post of its own because it was a hilarious hot mess. But I did make friends with a girl who is in New Orleans for Teach for America, and she needs a running buddy! So we might meet up. I have been meeting a bunch of outgoing, energized young teachers lately (and to top it off these young teachers were the front page story in today's Times Picayune) and I will have to tell you later about Ruthanne. Haha. Remind me about that one!
We checked in to our pretty little Bed and Breakfast before heading out to dinner at La Provence. This restaurant is Jon Besh's most rustic affair. It was...meh. I mean, it was good, but the service was rushed, and my main course was something I could make at home. However, I tried the bacon pecan ice cream for dessert and that was interesting and delicious!
BUT! When I got up from my chair I suddenly felt dizzy and by the time I got to the car my throat was swollen and my lymph nodes bulging. I'm sick again!
I made it the bedroom and crashed on the bed - still dressed - and shivered/burned the night away. I obviously am re-infected with my prior bacteria, since I never quite shook it to begin with. To be honest, ever since the race last Sunday I been feeling like I'm on the brink of a cold. Despite my best efforts and vitamin C, I think I succumbed! Now I'm back home and about to roll back into bed. I'm so sick of sickness!

1 comment:

  1. Ack! What a way to end the night! Get yourself better soon there missy.

    I always had fun over on the North Shore, a friend's now hubby has family over there that we would visit. His mom made awesome Crawfish Monica. I also remember going to a festival over there in maybe mid-May or so.

    Feel better soon!!!
