
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm back!

Well sorry for the big break there. I bet you thought I stopped to take a breath. Ha, no! (In case you're wondering, I breathe through my nose so that I don't need to stop talking for even a second.)
I was actually doing two awesome things:
1. Becoming a godparent to my adorable little Mattie (see picture of me at scenic camp, site of the Baptism, above)
2. Getting a job! I'm back to being one of the 91%: the employed in this country. Now this here is an interesting story, and it involves some shameless bragging so please just read really fast through that part or leave snide comments intended to deflate the ol' head a little (it's ok, I could probably use a deflating).
See, my big drawback has been my resume in this job hunt. Honestly, it's too good. This sounds crazy but it's true. Interviewers always caution me that they think I'll get bored at this job, or tell me that I'm overqualified. Really it hasn't hurt the job offers - I still got several - but it sure hurts the feelings! I felt so demoralized after basically being told ten times that all my hard work was for nothing. Employers even assume I have some big dark secret: for example, one employer asked me, only half-joking, "Did you kill a baby?" because she simply couldn't believe I was unemployed. Others think I have bigger goals and am using them as a stepping stone. Nope, none of the above! I just want a job! Well, finally on Friday I got a call for an interview that seemed pretty ho-hum. I already had two job offers, and I was trying to pick which one was less horrible. I went to the interview expecting very little. Much to my surprise the offer was for a brand new position that required all of the skills demonstrated by my resume. For once, this employer appreciated my assets and immediately recognized I'd be good for this new job! And the new position is perfect for me: close to the house, requires communication and people skills, lots of responsibility, creativity encouraged. Am I thrilled? Totally!!! The new position isn't open until November, but I was signed on anyway to keep me with the company until then. How amazing is that?
Having got that relief out of the way...anyone out there searching for a job or recently landed one? What's your story?


  1. Good morning from Athens, Greece.
    Spend some time being a waiter in Paris, fisherman in a small city north of Barcelona, a postman and employee in a supermarket in Germany, being about five years in Athens, trying to teach German as a foreign language.
    Learned that whatever one does it might be usefull in the future. Glad to hear about your luck with regard to the job.
    Please have a nice 'second half' of the week too.

  2. This is true. I used to be a cook in a small drugstore soda fountain...those recipes and cooking secrets have helped me out at many a party and event! I still use the old recipe for chicken salad!
