
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My awesome shoe luck

I would just like to take a moment to share with you the story of my awesome shoe luck.
I will preface this by telling you that I shop in thrift stores. I am not ashamed of this! I am the original frugalista - WAY before it was cool to be cheap.
Since I don't think I've ever paid full price for anything, thrift stores are like my mall (only the patrons are elderly hispanic ladies doing the rosary instead of aggravating teeny boppers talking in sentences that all go up at the end like a question).
This week I made a quick stop at a Goodwill in Kenner - a new one for me since I rarely ventures to the suburb horror that is Kenner. Now when I say quick stop, I mean about 10 minutes - including helping the cashier make change for$9.53 out of $20.03 (those extra pennies totally threw her off). Why the speed? Because as soon as I waltzed in the door three pairs of shoes jumped into my arms!
1. Adorable Gianni Bini brown leather flats, brand new, soles as pure as a nun's [soul. That was a pun].
2. Rugged looking red "Cloud 9" by Nine West mary janes that make great shoes for work - comfortable but not as thoroughly ugly as nurse clogs.
3. So-new-the-sticker-was-still-afixed-to-the-inner-sole A. Martinelli slip-on heels with tweedy gray fabric and a black button embellishment that make me look like a grown-up (but not a Medicare recipient).
They just hopped into my shopping basket.

And now just a word about buying used shoes.
It's ok, I promise, you won't get a fungus. Just follow these easy steps!
1. Clean well with soap and water.
2. Clean again with bleach. Yes it bleaches the insole. I don't care. Just avoid the outside of the shoe.
3. Sprinkle the insides generously with Zeasorb AF or another anti-fungal powder; let sit for 48 hours; shake out.
This is totally overkill but it makes me feel less grimy.


  1. Hi there! I linked to your post on my blog today, Vitamin G. Thanks! xo, Sarah
