
Races I Ran

Although I ran races sporadically for several years before I started writing this blog, I'm not documenting them here because...I don't remember all the details that well. I'm getting a little senile.

Ole Man River Half 2011
1:30:26. I was happy to run under 7 min/miles just to persuade myself that I can. And I wore Santa socks!

Baton Rouge Beach Marathon 2011

3:22:16 - for TWENTY SEVEN POINT TWO. I ran this the week after the abominable Mississippi Coast marathon, sort of for redemption. I PR'd but I got lost and ran an extra mile! 

Mississippi Coast Marathon 2011

3:24:26. This race was a disaster from the start. But I won it!

Jazz Half Marathon 2011
1:32:38. I PR'd in costume!

Middendorf's Manchac 10-miler
1:12:18. Third bad race in a row for me. Something fishy's up this race season!

Gulf Coast Half 2011
1:35:13. This was a PR but I felt oddly let down by the whole thing.

Clarence DeMar marathon
Real time unknown thanks to wonky clock. Official time is something like 3:35:10. I threw up the whole way.

Rivershack Run 2-miler

13:30. I got a trivet as an age group prize. SWEET!

Al Briede 3 mile race, May 2011
20:30. Ran on fractured leg. Ouch.

Greek Fest 5k, May 2011
21:54 and a lot of pain.

Etouffee 5k, May 2011
21:26. In which I fail.

Eat my crust 5k, March 2011
21:29. Miserably, I got passed in the second half to come in 4th! Great after party and instead of T-shirts you get an apron. Benefits the NO/AIDS foundation.

Born to Run 5k, March 2011

21:40. Tiny race.

RnR Mardi Gras Marathon 2011
3:27:03. PR and an all-around great race. 251 overall, 38 female, 12 division. The race was better the second year.

The Wall 30k, Jan 2011
2:21:40. Third female overall. A PR for me and way, way, way better than last year.

Thunder Road Marathon, Dec 2010
3:47:46. Hills. Hills. HIlls. Didn't run a good race. Read the review here.

Gulf Coast Marathon, Nov 2010
3:36:11. 2nd female (what's up with the 11 seconds?). This was the dullest race I've ever run. Because of the awards system, turns out Abe and I both won our age groups. Sweet.

Harrisburg Marathon, Nov 2010
3:40:50. Narrowly qualifying for Boston, which I did not realize at the time! This was a shocker because I felt like crap for that race.

Middendorf's Manchac 10 mile, Oct 2010
1:18:43. I ran fast again! Probably the most fun race in the area. Read about it here.

Gulf Coast Half Marathon, Mandeville Oct 2010
1:46:11. A week after the marathon I ran this race and this was my first "fast" race (instead of fun race). I was totally surprised by my time. One of my Daily Mile friends kept telling me to race faster, so this time I did.

Freedom's Run Marathon, Oct 2010
4:01:? It's a fun race with a kind of brutal course. Read the review here .

Spillway Classic Trail Run 5k, July 2010
I was slow. Trails are slow and this race always ends up single-file in the woods. It's a really fun event with a nice post-race party.

Corps of Engineers 2 mile, June 2010
Second female...don't recall my time.

Greek Fest 5k, May 2010
23:55. Puking all the way.

Gulf Coast Classic 10k, April 2010

Even though I ran somewhere around the 49 minute mark, I still came in third in my age group. Small race!

Crescent City Classic 10k, April 2010
47:59. Beat my goal by a second! Several brothers also ran.

Mardi Gras Marathon, February 2010
Unofficial time 4:08: something. I stopped my watch when a police officer actually stopped us to let traffic pass (!!!) and for a potty break. Yes, that is cheating. I know. This was my first marathon and I ran it in such bad shape. I had been sick for weeks with a violent bacterial respiratory infection that had sapped my strength (I "never" get sick but I ran 105 fever for several days). I finished my antibiotics the day of the race and coughed my way through 26 miles. Then, you guessed it, I immediately got horribly sick again. I also had a pulled groin, severe runners' knee, and blood blisters all over my feet. Bad day for me! By the way, if you want to know how I got over all these injuries and have been pain-free ever since, it's simple. I got neutral shoes instead of stability shoes. Problem solved.

The Wall 30-k race, January 2010

2:53:00. This was my worst race ever. Ever. Ever. I was beyond injured and the race was bitterly cold and windy. Everything that could go wrong did. It turns out that this was my last long run before my first marathon (four weeks away) because I aggravated my multiple injuries during this race. I was literally lame following this race!

Thanksgiving 5-miler, November 2009
40:16. Oh boy. I ran this one right after pulling an all-nighter (I worked an overnight shift that night!). I think I was asleep the whole race.

Jazz Half, October 2009
1:50:20. This was my second half and my little brother's debut race...he stunned the locals with a 1:17:30. I resurrected my cowgirl costume.

Crescent City Classic, April 2009

This was a "just for fun" race with my pal BJ and we definitely had fun! It was my first race in costume.

Ochsner Run 5k, March 2009
I was really slow then. I thought this was fast.